the department of coghsta in the northern cape rubbish claims of a new kgosi in the john taolo gaetsewe ditrict area

The Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs(COGHSTA) in the Northern Cape announcement through the circulation of leaflets of a supposed coronation of a new Kgosi of the Bathlaping Ba Ga Motshwarakgole traditional community in the John Taolo Gaetsewe district municipal area. The department says these leaflets and posters suggest that Lesangkgosi Albert Gaseemelwe in the Dithakong Village in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District, is planning coronation events to declare himself as the Kgosi of the Batlhaping Ba Ga Phuduhudu Ba Ga motshwarakgole Traditional Community between 02 and 04 November 2023. In response to these claims the department says Gaseemelwe who is a member of Batlhaping Ba Ga Molehe Traditional Community under Kgosi Kgotlayame Motshwarakgole in the Dithakong Village, has been on a crusade to challenge the authority of the legitimate Kgosi Motshwarakgole for quite a number of years now despite the outcome of the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims, which confirmed Kgosi Motshwarakgole as the legitimate Kgosi of the  Batlhaping Ba Ga motshwarakgole Traditional Community, therefore  dismissing Gaseemelwe’s claim. The Department says to have approached the Kimberley High Court on an urgent basis to interdict any and all events that are scheduled that purport to be coronation events of Gaseemelwe and the Court issued an interdict against him on 02 November 2023, that further restrains and prohibits him from being coronated as Kgosi and stands firm on the rule of law including the guidelines on the Customary laws of succession within the institution of traditional leadership. The Department is appealing to all community members including businesses in and around the JTG District to not support any unlawful activity that may include the planned ‘’coronation’’activities which the Department has interdicted.  

Journalist: Mbali Masiza

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