Tourism investment summit today in pixley ka seme district area

The Minister of the Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi, who is also the District Champion for the Pixley Ka Seme District along with the MEC responsible for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, Abraham Vosloo and the Northern Cape Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul are currently engaged in an Inaugural Tourism and Investment Summit in Victoria West. According to an official statement by the provincial government, the purpose of this summit is reflected in the theme which is to rebuild the district through connecting global investments in a sustainable way. She says this summit is the first of five summits to be held across all districts in the Province, which will then culminate into a Provincial Tourism and Investment Summit. The Pixley Ka Seme district municipality at their turn also shared an update on the proceedings of the day and says that the registration of delegates got off smoothly earlier this morning with SMMEs showcasing their products outside the venue, who will continue showcasing their products throughout the day.

Journalist: Mbali Masiza

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